Nightmare on Elm St.

The journey of turning the nightmare we bought on Elm St. into our dream home...

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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Spring Cleaning

The batteries were dead in the "old" camera, so no pictures from this weekend. So sorry for that! (I didn't want to risk the nice new camera in the construction zone. It does take lovely pictures though!)

Friday night we came home and started trying to collect a lot of the trash and organize what we could. A lot of this organization involved finding things that we had lost when the lighting in the basement was diminished, and stacking up another big pile of crap for the dump and some big piles of scrap for the metal recycler. (We'll take all of that next weekend.) We finally insulated some of the hot water pipes (all the ones that we know won't be affected by the plumbing changes for the bathroom), which seemed to make a different in the temperature of my shower! We'd had the pipe insulation for at least a month and hadn't done anything with it besides get it dirty and smushed.

Saturday we had big plans, but unfortunately, I had a rather bad experience with my blood donation at the Red Cross, and felt so bad afterwards that I really was no good to anyone all day, and spent most of it passed out of the couch with the dogs. Saturday night Aaron and I babysat a 3 month old for our friends, so we didn't get much done after I had recovered either.

Today we bought a lot of organization materials for the shop and spent a long time down there trying to get things organized. Unfortunately, a lot of the wood that we've got is 12' long, and the shop is only 10' deep, so we can't fit those in that room. We'll have to cut those down to their eventual size in order to stack them on our new wood storage shelves.

I've got a few small projects planned for this week, but we've all heard that before. I don't understand how some of you get stuff done during the week (Greg)! You must not have my commute!