Nightmare on Elm St.

The journey of turning the nightmare we bought on Elm St. into our dream home...

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Tuesday, March 07, 2006


If you have no idea what the title of this post refers to, one of my favorite old Sesame Street skits involves what I've finally learned are the "Yip Yip Martians" and their discovery of the telephone. For those of you who have forgotten, here you go(the feed is pretty bad- sorry).

Anyway, I've been drooling over this in the Pottery Barn Catalog for at least 1.5 years:

But I could never justify the $80 just for the phone (no tax or shipping included). Especially for a corded phone that is just for looks. I was talking to our friend Jason about this over the weekend- he has a love for all things vintage and antique, and was actually cannibalizing our house for old phone relays and line for his collection (he's also trying to figure out how to get the intact knobs from the old knob and tube down- any suggestions would be appreciated). Anyway, he clued me in to the fact that tons of people make old reproduction Crosley phones. He clicked a few keys and the next thing I knew, I had ordered this one for half the price that Pottery Barn wanted:

From this site! I'm very excited. I'll let you know how I like it when it gets here!