Nightmare on Elm St.

The journey of turning the nightmare we bought on Elm St. into our dream home...

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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Today's post was brought to you by the letter "F"

The following is an email correspondence that I had with my friend (and neighbor) the other day:

Me: I'm so sorry that we missed Happy Hour on Friday night. I got stuck at work until 7 only to come home to a fridge on the fritz. We ended up spending the evening at Sears picking out a new one. Fortunately, ours is intermittently working, so we'll be okay until the new one comes on Oct. 31. I hate that we missed the good time! Hopefully we'll be able to make it next time!

Her: You guys have all the luck. Did you get a fancy fun fridge or did you get just a functional fridge???? Today is "F" day at school, can you tell? (My friend is a teacher) We missed you Friday and hopefully we can catch up with our friends the F___s (our last name starts with F) very soon:) Beth
P.S. We just bought a Subaru Forester isn't that freakin funny??? Shut me off

Me: It's a fancy fun fridge, not a functional fridge. We fought for a furlong about the frivolous fridge, but at the finish, we thought we would have more fun with the frivolous fridge. So Halloween is now freaky fridge day for the F____s! And yes, we have all the f-ing luck.

So, yeah, after we promised our firstborn to the painter, we've now promised our second-born to Sears for a new Kenmore Elite side by side. If we just replace the dishwasher, we'll have replaced or done a major repair on every appliance in the entire house. Yeah, nightmare!!!!!!