Nightmare on Elm St.

The journey of turning the nightmare we bought on Elm St. into our dream home...

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

New round green friend

This isn't specifically house-related, but it's at least entertaining. ..
Last night, the Mr. and I started boxing up some of the stuff in the basement to make room for the waterproofers. I came across my fun 65cm diameter Target exercise ball while cleaning out one corner, and started dribbling it for fun. This sent Sandy (yellow lab randomly pictured below) into a frenzy. Soon, the Mr. and I had developed a game where we would bounce the ball back and forth to each other, with Sandy "volleying" it to us with her nose sporadically. (Sometimes, she just sat there and it conked her on the head.) Then, it got away from us, and she started attacking it. (I wish that I'd had my camera.) She put her front paws on the ball and repeatedly tried to bite it, then she tried to jump on top of it. It looked like she was trying to "romance" it a couple of times. Sometimes it would wind up against the wall, bouncing slightly and she would get in play stance with it and attack it. I really don't think that she knew what to make of it at all. All of this behavior terrifyed poor Chester (the bloodhound mix), who hid upstairs under the dining room table and wouldn't come out again until he was sure all the commotion was over. The Mr. kept saying she was going to pop it (which she did not) but it would have been a good $20 worth of entertainment if she had. Who said cleaning out the basement can't be fun?